Tai Chi St Sebastian Patron Saint of Martial Arts
Saint Sebastian | |
![]() Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, by Il Sodoma, c. 1525 | |
Helm of the Praetorian Guard Roman Soldier, Healer and Martyr | |
Born | c. Ad 255 |
Died | c. AD 288 (aged approximately 32) |
Venerated in | Catholic Church Liberal Catholic Church Orthodox Church Oriental Orthodoxy Anglicanism Aglipayan Church |
Major shrine | San Sebastiano fuori le mura Italy |
Feast | twenty January (Roman Catholic), and (Orthodox) eighteen December (Orthodox) |
Attributes | Tied to a mail service, pillar or a tree, shot by arrows |
Patronage | Soldiers; plague-stricken; archers; disabled peoples; athletes; Negombo, Sri Lanka; Archdiocese of Lipa; Diocese of Tarlac; Diocese of Bacolod; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Lumban, Laguna, Philippines; Borbon, Cebu, Philippines; Pucallpa, Peru; Taquaritinga, Brazil; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil; Győr, Hungary; Cusco, Republic of peru; Loja, Ecuador; Rome, Italy |
Saint Sebastian (in Latin: Sebastianus; c. Advertizement 256 – 288) was an early Christian saint and martyr. According to traditional belief, he was killed during the Diocletianic Persecution of Christians. He was initially tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows, though this did not kill him. He was, according to tradition, rescued and healed by Saint Irene of Rome, which became a popular subject in 17th-century painting. In all versions of the story, before long afterward his recovery he went to Diocletian to warn him about his sins, and every bit a consequence was clubbed to death.[one] [ii] He is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church building and the Orthodox Church building.
The oldest tape of the details of Sebastian's martyrdom is a sermon on Psalm 118 by 4th-century bishop Ambrose of Milan (Saint Ambrose). In his sermon, Ambrose stated that Sebastian came from Milan and that he was already venerated there at that time. Saint Sebastian is a popular male saint, especially today among athletes.[3] [4] In medieval times, he was regarded as a saint with a special ability to intercede to protect from plague, and devotion to him greatly increased when plague was active.
Early life [edit]
The aboriginal source mentioning Sebastian is found in the Chronograph of 354, a compilation of chronological and calendrical texts produced in 354 AD past the calligrapher and illustrator Furius Dionysius Filocalus, which mentions him as a martyr who was venerated on January 20. His cult is also mentioned by Ambrose of Milan in his Expositio in Psalmum CXVIII, a theological and exegetical commentary of Psalm 118 dated to 386-390 Advertising.[5]
The outset surviving account of Sebastian'south life and death is the Passio Sancti Sebastiani, long thought to have been written past Ambrose in the 4th century, but now regarded as a 5th-century business relationship past an unknown author (possibly Arnobius the Younger). This includes the "two martyrdoms", and the care by Irene in between, and other details that remained part of the story.[6]
According to Sebastian'southward 18th-century entry in Acta Sanctorum,[7] still attributed to Ambrose by the 17th-century hagiographer Jean Bolland, and the briefer account in the 14th-century Legenda Aurea, he was a man of Gallia Narbonensis who was taught in Mediolanum (Milan). In 283, Sebastian entered the regular army in Rome under Emperor Carinus to assist the martyrs. Because of his courage he became ane of the captains of the Praetorian Guards nether Diocletian and Maximian, who were unaware that he was a Christian.[2]
According to tradition, Marcus and Marcellianus were twin brothers from a distinguished family and were deacons. Both brothers married, and they resided in Rome with their wives and children. The brothers refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods and were arrested. They were visited by their parents Tranquillinus and Martia in prison, who attempted to persuade them to renounce Christianity. Sebastian succeeded in converting Tranquillinus and Martia, besides as Saint Tiburtius, the son of Chromatius, the local prefect . Another official, Nicostratus, and his wife Zoe were besides converted. It has been said that Zoe had been a mute for vi years; still, she made known to Sebastian her desire to exist converted to Christianity. As before long as she had, her speech returned to her. Nicostratus and so brought the rest of the prisoners; these xvi persons were converted past Sebastian.[8]
Chromatius and Tiburtius converted; Chromatius set all of his prisoners free from jail, resigned his position, and retired to the country in Campania. Marcus and Marcellianus, afterwards being concealed by a Christian named Castulus, were after martyred, as were Nicostratus, Zoe, and Tiburtius.[9]
Martyrdom [edit]
Lodovico Carracci painted St Sebastian Thrown into the Cloaca Maxima for the church at the place where his body was found (1612). The subject is nigh unique.
Sebastian had prudently concealed his faith, but in 286 it was detected. Diocletian reproached him for his supposed betrayal, and he allowable him to be led to a field and there to be bound to a pale so that the chosen archers from Mauretania would shoot arrows at him. "And the archers shot at him till he was equally full of arrows as an urchin[Notation 1] is total of pricks, and thus left him there for dead."[14] Miraculously, the arrows did non kill him. The widow of Castulus, Irene of Rome, went to call up his body to bury it, and discovered he was even so alive. She brought him back to her house and nursed him back to his health.[two]
Sebastian later stood past a staircase where the emperor was to pass and harangued Diocletian for his cruelties against Christians. This liberty of speech, and from a person whom he supposed to have been dead, profoundly astonished the emperor; but recovering from his surprise, he gave orders for Sebastian to be seized and beaten to expiry with cudgels, and his body thrown into the common sewer. A holy lady, named Lucina, admonished by the martyr in a vision, privately removed the body and buried information technology in the catacombs at the archway of the cemetery of Calixtus,[9] where at present stands the Basilica of St. Sebastian.[ii]
Location of remains [edit]
Remains reputed to exist those of Sebastian are housed in Rome in the Basilica Apostolorum, built by Pope Damasus I in 367 on the site of the provisional tomb of Saints Peter and Paul. The church, today called San Sebastiano fuori le mura, was rebuilt in the 1610s under the patronage of Scipione Borghese.
St. Ado, Eginard, Sigebert, and other contemporary authors relate that, in the reign of Louis Debonnair, Pope Eugenius II gave the trunk of St. Sebastian to Hilduin, Abbot of St. Denys, who brought information technology into France, and it was deposited at Saint Medard Abbey, at Soissons, on eight December, in 826.[9]
Sebastian's cranium was brought to the boondocks of Ebersberg (Federal republic of germany) in 934. A Benedictine abbey was founded there and became 1 of the most of import pilgrimage sites in southern Germany.[fifteen] Information technology is said the silver-encased cranium was used every bit a cup in which to present the consecrated wine of the Blest Sacrament to the faithful during the feast of Saint Sebastian.[xvi]
- Reliquary of Saint Sebastian in Ebersberg
Silverish sculpture from 1450
The attic
As protector against plague [edit]
The belief that Saint Sebastian was a defense confronting the plague was a medieval improver to his reputation, which largely accounts for the enormous increment in his importance in the Late Middle Ages.[ citation needed ] The connexion of the martyr shot with arrows with the plague is not an intuitive one, however. In Greco-Roman myth, Apollo, the archer god, at times destroys his enemies past shooting plague-arrows from the heavens, but is also the deliverer from pestilence; the figure of Sebastian Christianizes this folkloric association.[ original research? ]
The hopeful case of Sebastian being able to recover from his "starting time martyrdom" (or "sagittation", as it is sometimes chosen) was also relevant, and the pointer-wounds can resemble the buboes that were symptoms of bubonic plague. Visually, "the arrow wounds call to God for mercy to u.s.a., every bit the symptoms of the unfirm call for compassion from the passerby", as Molanus put it.[eighteen]
The chronicler Paul the Deacon relates that, in 680, Rome was freed from a raging pestilence past him. The Golden Legend transmits the episode of a bully plague that afflicted the Lombards in the time of King Gumburt, which was stopped by the erection of an altar in award of Sebastian in the Church of Saint Peter in the Province of Pavia.
In fine art and literature [edit]
Art [edit]
Print of Saint Sebastian. Fabricated in the sixteenth century.[19]
The earliest known representation of Sebastian is a mosaic in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (Ravenna, Italy) dated between 527 and 565.[20] The right lateral wall of the basilica contains large mosaics representing a procession of 26 martyrs, led past Saint Martin and including Sebastian. The martyrs are represented in Byzantine style, lacking any individuality, and all take identical expressions.
Some other early representation is in a mosaic in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome, probably made in the year 682. It shows a grown, bearded man in court apparel but contains no trace of an arrow.[21] The archers and arrows begin to appear by 1000, and ever since accept been far more commonly shown than the actual moment of his death by clubbing, so that in that location is a popular misperception that this is how he died.[22]
As protector of potential plague victims (a connection popularized by the Gilt Legend [23]) and soldiers, Sebastian occupied an of import place in the popular medieval mind. He was amidst the most frequently depicted of all saints past Tardily Gothic and Renaissance artists, in the flow after the Black Expiry.[24] The opportunity to show a semi-nude immature male, often in a contorted pose, also made Sebastian a favorite subject field.[25] His shooting with arrows was the subject of the largest engraving past the Primary of the Playing Cards in the 1430s, when at that place were few other current subjects with male person nudes other than Christ. Sebastian appears in many other prints and paintings, although this was due to his popularity with the faithful. Amongst many others, Botticelli, Perugino, Titian, Pollaiuolo, Giovanni Bellini, Guido Reni (who painted the subject field 7 times), Mantegna (three times), Hans Memling, Gerrit van Honthorst, Luca Signorelli, El Greco, Honoré Daumier, John Singer Sargent and Louise Conservative all painted Saint Sebastians. An early work past the sculptor Gianlorenzo Bernini is of Saint Sebastian.
The saint is unremarkably depicted equally a handsome youth pierced by arrows. Predella scenes when required ofttimes depicted his arrest, confrontation with the Emperor, and concluding beheading. The illustration in the infobox is the Saint Sebastian of Il Sodoma, at the Pitti Palace, Florence.
Hans Holbein the Elder created a statuette of Saint Sebastian "in silver and parcel-gilt," now in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.[26]
A mainly 17th-century subject, though found in predella scenes as early as the 15th century,[27] was Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene, painted past Georges de La Tour, Trophime Bigot (4 times), Jusepe de Ribera, Hendrick ter Brugghen (in perhaps his masterpiece)[28] and others. This may have been a deliberate effort by the Church to become away from the single nude subject, which is already recorded in Vasari as sometimes arousing inappropriate thoughts amid female and male person churchgoers.[29] The Baroque artists usually treated it as a nocturnal chiaroscuro scene, illuminated by a single candle, torch or lantern, in the fashion fashionable in the commencement one-half of the 17th century. There exist several cycles depicting the life of Saint Sebastian. Among them are the frescos in the basilica church of San Sebastiano, Acireale in Sicily painted by Pietro Paolo Vasta.[30]
Egon Schiele, an Austrian Expressionist creative person, painted a self-portrait equally Saint Sebastian in 1915.[31]
Literature, fiction, and music [edit]
Woodblock of St Sebastian from S Germany, c. 1470–1475
In 1911, the Italian playwright Gabriele d'Annunzio in conjunction with Claude Debussy produced Le Martyre de saint Sébastien. The American composer Gian Carlo Menotti composed a ballet score for a Ballets Russes production which was offset given in 1944.[ citation needed ] In his novella Death in Venice, Thomas Mann hails the "Sebastian-Effigy" as the supreme emblem of Apollonian beauty, that is, the artistry of differentiated forms; beauty as measured by discipline, proportion, and luminous distinctions. This innuendo to Saint Sebastian'south suffering, associated with the writerly professionalism of the novella'due south protagonist, Gustav Aschenbach, provides a model for the "heroism born of weakness", which characterizes poise amidst agonizing torment and manifestly credence of 1's fate as, beyond mere patience and passivity, a stylized achievement and artistic triumph.[ citation needed ]
In George Orwell's futuristic novel Nineteen Eighty-Iv, the protagonist Winston Smith, at the time he is not aware she actually loves him and hates the Party, is said to have dreams of ravishing the daughter Julia, and having her pierced through with arrows like Saint Sebastian.
Sebastian's decease was depicted in the 1949 flick Fabiola, in which he was played by Massimo Girotti.[32] In 1976, the British director Derek Jarman fabricated a picture, Sebastiane, which acquired controversy in its handling of the martyr as a "homosexual icon", co-ordinate to a number of critics reflecting a subtext perceptible in the imagery since the Renaissance.[1] Also in 1976, in the American horror film Carrie, a figure of Saint Sebastian (commonly misconstrued as a figure of the crucified Christ) appears in Carrie'due south prayer closet.[33]
The Apr 1968 outcome of Esquire Magazine depicted photographer George Lois and art director Carl Fischer'south photo of boxer Mohammad Ali simulating the iconography of a spring Saint Sebastian pierced by arrows.
A depiction of Saint Sebastian in a fresco restoration in an isolated Italian hamlet is the central motif and cryptic mystery of the 1976 giallo horror film The House with Laughing Windows.[34]
In her 1965 story "Everything That Rises Must Converge", Flannery O'Connor's grapheme Julian feels every bit if he were the martyr while taking his mother to "reducing" classes at the Y.
In The Godfather Part Three (1990), Michael Corleone is awarded the "Society of Saint Sebastian".[35]
In 1997, the eighth episode of the second season of the goggle box series Millennium, the protagonists search for the hand of Saint Sebastian.[36]
In 2007, artist Damien Hirst presented Saint Sebastian, Exquisite Hurting from his Natural History series. The piece depicts a cow in formaldehyde, jump in metallic cablevision and shot with arrows.[37]
British pop band Alt-J's video for "Hunger of the Pino" contains references to the story of Saint Sebastian's expiry, adapted to fit the lyrics of the song. Tarsem Singh's video for the R.Due east.M. vocal "Losing My Religion" makes utilise of imagery of St. Sebastian, drawing particular inspiration from paintings by Guido Reni[38] and Caravaggio.[39] The indie folk band the Mountain Goats take a song called "Hail, St. Sebastian" that makes reference to his life.[forty] Scottish musician Momus has a song "Lucky similar St Sebastian", featuring on his 1986 debut album Circus Maximus.
Madonna's song "I'yard a Sinner" from her 2012 album MDNA has a segment resembling a litany, with one line maxim, "St. Sebastian, don't you cry; permit those poisoned arrows fly."
The 2013–2018 Canadian drama series Forgive Me centres on a priest haunted by recurring visions of Saint Sebastian.[41]
The look of the character Gemino in the pop action-platform videogame Blasphemous is clearly inspired past Saint Sebastian.[ commendation needed ]
The family del Valle in Isabel Allende's novel "House of the Spirits" attends Sunday mass in the Church building of Saint Sebastian.
Patronage [edit]
St Sebastian by Glyn Philpot (1932), oil on sheet, 36 x 28½
In the Roman Cosmic Church, Sebastian is commemorated past an optional memorial on twenty January. In the Church building of Hellenic republic, Sebastian's banquet twenty-four hour period is on 18 Dec.
As a protector from the bubonic plague, Sebastian was formerly one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. In Catholicism, Sebastian is the patron saint of archers, pivot-makers, athletes (a modern clan) and of a holy death.
Sebastian is one of the patron saints of the city of Qormi in Republic of malta[42] Sebastian is the patron saint of Acireale, Caserta and Petilia Policastro in Italy, Melilli in Sicily, and San Sebastián every bit well as Palma de Mallorca, Lubrín and Huelva in Spain. He is the patron saint of Negombo, Sri Lanka and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Informally, in the tradition of the Afro-Brazilian syncretic religion Umbanda, Sebastian is often associated with Oxossi, peculiarly in the state of Rio de Janeiro itself.[ citation needed ]
In Lubrín, every twelvemonth on the 20th of January, in that location is a festival in honor of Saint Sebastian. A statue of Saint Sebastian leads a procession effectually the village, and people hurl bread rolls from their balconies to the crowds post-obit the saint in the streets below. The rolls have a pigsty in the center and some people string them on a rope effectually their body. The festival is thought to take originated in the 14th century, subsequently a plague of cholera striking the area. At this time, the wealthy were said to have thrown bread and money to the poor on the streets beneath, so as to avoid catching the disease.[43] The San Sebastian 'bread festival' is so unusual that it has been declared a Fiesta of National Tourist Interest in Andalusia.[44]
King Sebastian I of Portugal, the only King to ever have this proper name, was so named for having been born on this saint'south feast twenty-four hours.
The Feast of St. Sebastian is celebrated among Catholic communities of Kerala in Bharat. Churches are illuminated and busy, with fireworks being a main issue in Catholic homes to commemorate the saint.[ citation needed ] Every parish has its own date of celebration, specially in the districts of Thrissur, Ernakulam, St. Andrew's Basilica, Arthunkal and Kottayam. In Kanjoor Syro Malabar Church the feast is celebrated with the largest procession of Gilded Crosses and Decorated umbrellas in Asia.[ citation needed ] Besides this, many pilgrim centres, churches, shrines and many educational institutions too, throughout Kerala, comport the name of the saint.
He is the patron of San Sebastian Higher- Recoletos in Manila, Philippines which is adjacent to the Pocket-sized Basilica of San Sebastian the all steel church in the Philippines and in Asia administered past the Lodge of Augustinian Recollect (OAR). At the Cosmic Newman Customs at the University of Rochester, the St. Sebastian Society is an arrangement of campus-wide Christian athletes that works to serve the greater Rochester, New York surface area through methods of restorative justice, special needs fundraising and customs service.[45]
Sebastian is the patron saint of the Roman Cosmic Diocese of Bacolod, in Negros Occidental, Philippines and Lipa Metropolis in Batangas, Philippines. Also, Saint Sebastian is the patron saint of Leon City Mexico. A representation of the Saint in his martyrdom is nowadays in the upper left corner of the city coat of arms.
Saint Sebastian is the patron of Knights of Columbus Council #4926 in the Roman Cosmic Diocese of San Jose in California, serving the cities of Mountain View and Los Altos. Saint Sebastian is the patron saint of the Catholic War Veterans of the United States of America. The highest laurels given past the CWV is the Honour Legion of the Society of St. Sebastian.
In his 1906 Reminiscences, Carl Schurz recalls the annual "bird shoot" pageant of the Rhenish town of Liblar (de), sponsored by the Saint Sebastian Society, a club of sharpshooters and their sponsors to which most every adult member of the town belonged.[46]
The St. Sebastian River in the American land of Florida is named after him. The river is a tributary of the Indian River Lagoon and comprises function of the boundary between Indian River Canton and Brevard County. The adjacent city of Sebastian, Florida and St. Sebastian River Preserve Country Park are likewise named for Saint Sebastian.[47] Within the Diocese of Primal Florida, the nearby Episcopal Church on Melbourne Beaches is named St Sebastian-past-the-Ocean.
LGBT association [edit]
American writer Richard A. Kaye wrote in 1996 that
"Contemporary gay men have seen in Sebastian at in one case a stunning advertizement for homosexual desire (indeed, a homoerotic ideal), and a prototypical portrait of tortured closet case."[48] [49]
Some religious images depicting Saint Sebastian accept been adopted by the LGBT customs.[l] A combination of his strong, shirtless physique, the symbolism of the arrows penetrating his trunk, and the countenance of rapturous pain take intrigued artists (gay or otherwise) for centuries.[50] Sebastian's resilience in the face of persecution juxtaposed with the erotic elements of his suffering resonates particularly with the spiritual queer community.[51]
Meet besides [edit]
- Le martyre de Saint Sébastien, Claude Debussy
- Saint Sebastian at the Column
- Santa Muerte, from Mexican folk Catholicism, who is sometimes referred to as Santa Sebastiana
- The iii paintings past Mantegna
- Saint Sebastian and the Affections
Notes [edit]
- ^ "Urchin" here is the archaic English language discussion for hedgehog, non a sea urchin. The original Latin uses the give-and-take "hericius",[11] [12] not "echinus".[xiii]
References [edit]
- ^ a b "How did St Sebastian get an enduring, homo-erotic icon?". The Independent. UK. 10 February 2008. .
- ^ a b c d Fr. Paolo O. Pirlo, SHMI (1997). "St. Sebastian". My Showtime Book of Saints. Holy Mary Immaculate – Quality Catholic Publications. pp. 22–23. ISBN971-91595-4-5.
- ^ "Nearly St Sebastian – Associated & Catholic Colleges of WA". www.accsport.asn.au . Retrieved iii December 2017.
- ^ White, Jackie. "The Patron Saint of Sports". Retrieved three December 2017.
- ^ "Saint Sebastian". New Daily Compass . Retrieved 20 January 2022.
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- ^ Acta S. Sebastiani Martyris, in J.-P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus Accurante (Paris 1845), XVII, 1021–581221; abbreviated in Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea.
- ^ Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. A Dictionary of Miracles: Imitative, Realistic, and Dogmatic (Chatto and Windus, 1901), p.11.
- ^ a b c Butler, Alban. Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Main Saints, Vol.I
- ^ "Reliquary of St Sebastian". Metalwork. Victoria and Albert Museum. Retrieved 17 August 2007.
- ^ "Iacobus de Voragine: Historia de Sancto Sebastiano". Retrieved 3 June 2016.
- ^ "hericius definition | Latin Dictionary". Retrieved three June 2016.
- ^ "echinus definition | Latin Dictionary". Retrieved 3 June 2016.
- ^ "Internet History Sourcebooks: Medieval Sourcebook: The Golden Legend: Book II: The Life of Sebastian". Retrieved 3 June 2016.
- ^ City of Ebersberg website: Kloster Ebersberg (German)
- ^ Thomas Foster Earle, K. J. P. Lowe: Blackness Africans in Renaissance Europe, p. 191, Cambridge Academy Press, 2005.
- ^ "Saint Sebastian Interceding for the Plague Stricken". The Walters Art Museum.
- ^ Mitchell
- ^ "Heilige Sebastiaan vastgebonden aan een nail". lib.ugent.exist . Retrieved 2 Oct 2020.
- ^ The Iconography of Saint Sebastian: https://www.alessandro-giua.information technology/SEBASTIAN/
- ^ Cosmic Encyclopedia. 1908.
- ^ Barker, 94–95
- ^ Barker, 96–97
- ^ Boeckl, 76–fourscore
- ^ Barker, 114–7,Google books.
- ^ Moyle, Franny, The King's Painter: The Life and Times of Hans Holbein, New York: Abrams Printing, 2021, p. 19.
- ^ Boeckl, p. 77
- ^ Slive, Seymour, Dutch Painting, 1600–1800, Yale Upwardly, 1995, ISBN 0300074514, p.22
- ^ Barker, 117
- ^ Giornale arcadico di scienze, lettere ed arti, Volume 167, page 209-211.
- ^ Zwingenberger, Jeanette (2011). Schiele. New York: Parkstone International. p. 154. ISBN 9781780421957.
- ^ "Fabiola (1949)". BFI. Retrieved 3 December 2017.
- ^ "Carrie (1976) – Trivia – IMDb". IMDb . Retrieved 3 June 2016.
- ^ "A Vicious Nobility: Painting Decease in The House with Laughing Windows (Pupi Avati, 1976)". thirty June 2014. Retrieved 21 September 2016.
- ^ Phillips, Gene D. (2013). Godfather: The Intimate Francis Ford Coppola. University Press of Kentucky. p. 134. ISBN9780813146713.
- ^ "Episode Synopsis". millennium-thisiswhoweare.internet . Retrieved vi April 2020.
- ^ "Damien Hirst". MCA Denver. Archived from the original on 23 April 2010. .
- ^ Buchanan, Matthew. "Losing My Religion". Music Videos Honey Movies . Retrieved three December 2017.
- ^ Buckley, David (2002). R.E.Grand.: Fiction: An Alternative Biography. Virgin. pp. 206–07. ISBN978-1-85227-927-1.
- ^ notasfarwest (7 September 2015), The Mountain Goats - Hail St. Sebastian, archived from the original on 8 November 2021, retrieved 25 June 2017
- ^ Doyle, John (4 September 2013). "Forgive Me: A fine, fraught new series about sinners". The Globe and Mail . Retrieved 22 September 2013.
- ^ "Merħba – Parroċċa San Sebastjan". Parroċċa San Sebastjan . Retrieved iii Dec 2017.
- ^ "Municipio de Lubrin". www.puerta.lubrin.net . Retrieved fourteen July 2019.
- ^ "San Sebastián - Staff of life Festival - Official tourism website of Andalucía". world wide web.andalucia.org . Retrieved 14 July 2019.
- ^ St. Sebastian Society spider web page: http://urnewman.org/groups/st-sebastian
- ^ Carl Schurz, Reminiscences (3 vols.), New York: McClure Publ., 1907, vol. 1, chap. 2, pp. 46–eight; chap. iii, pp. 81–3.
- ^ Sebastian Tales
- ^ Kaye, Richard A. (1996). "Losing His Organized religion: Saint Sebastian as Contemporary Gay Martyr". In Horne, Peter; Lewis, Reina (eds.). Outlooks: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities and Visual Cultures. New York: Routledge. p. 105. doi:x.4324/9780203432433. ISBN9781134803088.
- ^ "Arrows of want: How did St Sebastian become an enduring, man-erotic icon? – Features, Fine art". The Independent. ten February 2008. Retrieved 16 July 2009.
- ^ a b "Subjects of the Visual Arts: St. Sebastian". glbtq.com. 2002. Archived from the original on 1 September 2007. Retrieved 1 August 2007.
- ^ Cherry, Kittredge (xx Jan 2019). "Saint Sebastian: History's first gay icon?". Retrieved 19 January 2021.
Sources [edit]
- Barker, Sheila, The Making of a Plague Saint, ch. 4 in Piety and Plague: from Byzantium to the Baroque, Ed. Franco Mormando, Thomas Worcester Truman State University, 2007, ISBN 978-one-931112-73-4, Google books
- Boeckl, Christine M (2000). Images of Plague and Pestilence: Iconography and Iconology. Truman Land University. pp. 76–lxxx. ISBN978-0-943549-85-ix.
- Hedquist, Valerie, "Ter Brugghen's Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene," Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art nine:two (Summertime 2017) doi:10.5092/jhna.2017.9.ii.3, fully online
- Mitchell, Peter, "The Politics of Morbidity: Plague Symbolism in Martyrdom and Medical Anatomy", in The Arts of 17th-Century Science: Representations of the Natural Earth in European and North American Culture, eds. Claire Jowitt, Diane Watt, 2002, Routledge, ISBN 978-1351894449, google books
External links [edit]
- The Life and Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, Saint and Martyr of the Catholic Church
- Legenda Aurea: Life of Saint Sebastian
- Saint Sebastian
- Butler, The Lives or the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints, St Sebastian
- Löffler, Klemens (1913). . Catholic Encyclopedia.
- Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). . Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Sebastian
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